Who Can Join?

Anyone who wants to generate new writing, strengthen their editing skills and engage with the materiality of language is welcome in class. Writers from all backgrounds take these courses—everyone has something to contribute. If you are new to poetry workshops and feel anxious about joining, keep your eye out for intro courses, which are offered every few months.

Workshop Philosophy

Poetry Field School writing workshops explore language as an art medium and proceed along the lines of an advanced studio course; emphasis is placed on imagination, experimentation, momentum, intensive discussion of student work and collaborative review. Class is held in dialogue with a wide variety of artists, writers and evocations. Particular attention will be given to the practice of reading aloud and engaging with the basic physicality of language. Students contribute to the development of the class through sharing their work and providing thoughtful feedback for the writing of their peers.

Most PFS classes take place online, meaning you can participate from anywhere. All you need is a good internet connection and either a phone or computer installed with Zoom, a free video conferencing program.

Workshop Structure

Six 2.5 hour sessions
verbal and written feedback from instructor and peers on one piece of writing per week


Classes are offered on a sliding scale of $350-$550. Black and Indigenous writers are welcome to take up to 50% off. Take all forms of wealth into account when determining where you fall on the sliding scale.

Contact me:


Withdrawals submitted more than one week before the 1st meeting will receive a 50% refund. Withdrawals less than one week before the 1st meeting will not be refunded.